Page is "Crawled - currently not indexed" in Google
The error status "Crawled - currently not indexed" in the Google Search Console interface means:

"This message means that we have crawled the page, but it has not been added to the Google index yet. In the future, it may be indexed, or it may remain in its current state; there is no need to resubmit a request for scanning this URL."
Google assigns pages the following status in the following cases:

  1. The page has not been previously indexed and is in the queue for indexing.
  2. The page was previously indexed but has fallen out of the index.
1. The page has not been previously indexed and is in the queue for indexing.

In this case, Google does not hurry to index the pages of the website, considering the content to be of lower value and quality. Usually, it assigns a low priority to such pages, and they linger in the queue for indexing for an extended period..

In this case, you can take the following actions:

  1. Export pages marked with the status "Page crawled but not yet indexed" from Google Search Console. The service may not allow you to download more than 1000 pages, but often, this is sufficient to identify the reasons, recurring errors, or dynamic URL tails.
2. Analyze the obtained list.
Based on the list of URLs, categorize them as follows:
  • Valuable pages - for reindexing.
  • Low-value pages - for improvement and content addition.
  • Technical or dynamic pages - for blocking in robots.txt.
  • Non-existent pages (deleted or left after the site migration) - for removal from the index.

3. Take the necessary actions with the obtained categories of pages: improve content, adjust the robots.txt file, submit valuable pages for indexing, and request the removal of deleted pages from the index.

You can do this manually or through our service at https://app.fast-indexing.ru/ - we provide 100 coins for testing the service upon registration.

4. Request a review of the changes in Google Search Console.

5. Within 5-10 days, the changes will be reflected in the service, and you can track the dynamics and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
We recommend being patient, as it is not always a quick process.
2. The page was previously indexed but has fallen out of the index

Deindexing of pages can occur for several reasons:

  1. Limitation or reduction of the "crawl budget," where new valuable pages are added to the index, and older, less valuable pages drop out.
  2. Occurrence of technical errors on the website, such as server issues, temporary unavailability, or duplicate pages.
  3. Google algorithm updates, which can cause a page to no longer align with the new ranking factors.
3. Examples from Client Projects

1. Bearing Online Store
There are more than 11,000 pages on the website. Periodically, there is a mass drop of 2-3 thousand pages from the index.

In this case, we simply submit all pages with the status "Page crawled but not yet indexed" for a forced reindexing.
2. Website for Industrial Equipment Parts
There are approximately 900 pages on the website.

In this example, work was carried out to identify "empty" low-value pages for brands and categories that did not contain products. These pages were removed from the site and submitted for removal from the index. Valuable pages were submitted for forced reindexing. Around 10 iterations of submission and removal were performed over the course of 2 months.
3. Lighting E-commerce Store
There are approximately 7,000 pages on the website. On this project, it's noticeable how more than 2,000 pages (around 30% of the site) dropped out of the index in a single day.

The site has technical errors related to page accessibility, and there are also a significant number of low-value product pages without photos and descriptions.
Efforts are underway to improve the site's quality, after which a re-submission for indexing is planned.

Due to Google's limited resources and the constant growth in the number and volume of websites and information on the internet, we are in competition with everyone to grab Google's attention to our site. It's crucial for us to understand which pages should and should not be indexed by Google in order to help the search engine prioritize more valuable URLs.

Properly indexing a website is an essential part of working on a website. It's where you should start, whether it's a new website or for those who have changed CMS systems with a change in URLs.

As we can see, current results are not guaranteed, and even previously indexed pages can drop out of the index at any moment. This underscores the need for continuous monitoring and ongoing work on indexing.
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