How to index a website in Google
To make your website visible to users in Google search results, you need to take a series of actions aimed at site indexing:
1. Check for indexing
2. Add your site to Google Search Console
3. Submit it for indexing

1. Check for indexing

At this stage, we are checking whether the website's pages are present in the search results. To do this, you enter a specific query into the search bar:

site:(website address)

If the website's pages are indexed, you will see the number of pages:
In this case, you should compare the actual number of pages on your site with the number of pages in the index. If less than 80% of your pages are indexed, you need to identify the non-indexed pages and submit them for indexing.

If your website's pages are absent from the search results, you will see a message indicating that nothing was found for that query:
2. Add your site to Google Search Console

Go to Google Webmaster at https://search.google.com/search-console/welcome, sign up, and verify your site ownership by choosing the most convenient method for confirmation:
  • HTML file
  • HTML tag
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Domain name provider
After confirming ownership of the resource, the website will be added to Google's index. After a certain period, following the addition, you will be able to see the number of indexed and non-indexed pages on the 'Pages' tab.
3. Submit it for indexing to Google

  • Sitemap
To index the pages of a website in Google, it is necessary to create and upload a Sitemap file to Google Search Console. A Sitemap is a special map of the website that guides the search engine robot on which pages to process and include in the index.

Unfortunately, Sitemaps are not always processed correctly, and additional tools may be required. You can find more information in the article mentioned.

  • Manual Indexing
If you have a single-page website (landing page) or a small site, you can manually index the pages of your site in Google through Google Search Console.
Adding 10-15 pages per day is limited. If your website has more than 300 pages, sending them for indexing will take approximately a month. Therefore, consider the following method

  • Accelerated Indexing
If you have an e-commerce site, service website, portal, or another type of multi-page website, you can expedite indexing through the Fast Indexing service.

To do this, you need to register with the service, add your site for which you have Owner access in Google Search Console. The basic rate is 1 coin for 1 URL submission, with a limit of up to 2000 URLs per day. You can see the results within 5-7 days in the Google Webmaster panel
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